"The Things That Are Not".

"The Things That Are Not".

Hello everyone! This is a video of our trip starting in Uruguay and going through Chile, Argentina and then into Brazil. It shows some of the events where we performed, places we went and some of our dances and acts. Once again it is way too long (sorry) but maybe if you let it load and then come back in a month you can watch it:).   
Some of the pictures are the same ones I previously posted on my blog because I only have so many, but maybe combined with music (various songs I came across) and video, you'll find it interesting.
I am absolutely nothing, but my only hope is that God chooses " the things that are not (1Cor.1:28)" and so for that reason He is able to use us to bring His love to others. He can take someone who is nothing and use them to give something to anyone
Beautiful things are born out of "things that not". A seed in it of it self is nothing, but it becomes something great. A caterpillar is nothing, but it becomes something admired by all. A potter takes a lump of ugly clay, and fashions a beautiful vessel. Jesus, walked the earth as a lowly carpenter, a servant, most people saw Him as "nothing", but He was God in man, the living hope and the only light in a cold dark world. 
My hope is to inspire anyone out there to become nothing, so that the Father can give you His everything, and use your life to give something.