Photo Update for 2023/2024

Photo Update for  2023/2024

Hello my friends. I pray you are doing ok, keeping your head up and standing strong. 

Been crazy busy these last months traveling and working in so many place.  I will catch you up with a bunch of photos you can scroll through and get the idea:) I have been working in prisons, homeless shelters, with youth and veterans all across the US, Brazil and am currently in Colombia. When I get a sec I will write captions for them:) May God bless you, keep you and give you grace. Love ya guys. 

Prison in Bogota Colombia. 

Putting together Christmas care packages for the homeless, vets and those incarcerated. 

Special event at a homeless shelter in New Mexico. 

Shipping out inspirational magazines to those on lockdown. 

Working at a horse ranch in Arizona.