Do you believe in "Magic"?

Do you believe in "Magic"?

Can a moment, be pulled from a minute and then that moment, turned into "magic"?  In the middle of an ordinary day, you and I have the power to do something extraordinary. We can break from the routine of life, care for someone else and in a moment of time, make "magic" happen. 
 This is a video my brother made for my dads birthday. It is a combination of many events we have done both this year and last year at places across South America. Obviously the song is not ours, my brother just chose it because it had the theme of magic, maybe you'll enjoy it. I will write a post here soon, we have just been really busy and not had internet access. 
Many years ago, a 33 year old man walked out of a cold dark grave. He is alive this very day and that, that is the one single motivation that drives us to do what we do and go where we. Happy Easter everyone!